Safe Passage

A community tapestry (a symbol of home and safety) created in collaboration with participants of all ages from charities who are part of the This Day ecosystem.

We worked with artist Meera Shakti Osborne to bring together their individual stories and experiences through the lens of migration to create this collective installation.

The process involved hosting two creative workshops for groups of up to 10 participants, which included image making, drawing, talking, writing and sharing a meal. The workshop opened up a safe space for positive reflections, dreams, and sharing things that felt appropriate for the participants around the theme of migration. From the work gathered at the session, Meera then used this to inform the design of the tapestry series.

Questions for the workshop included;

  • What is your favourite food from back home?
  • What do you like to eat here?
  • What do you want to be when you grow up?
  • What are your dreams for the future?
  • What advice would you give someone arriving in the UK tomorrow?

Participants also shared the etymology of their names, discussed their favourite places they remember from home, what places they feel connected to here in the UK, where they feel safe and welcome and what home means to them. All participants received an artpack as a thank you for being part of this project in order to continue their creative practice in the future.

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